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Author: Lydia Werner - professional networker

Is network marketing legal? Get the right information from the right people

No other business model is more misunderstood and dragged through the mud than network marketing. In this series of articles I deal with the network marketing business model and at the same time clarify all the lies, myths and untruths that unfortunately still circulate about network marketing.

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Always visionary and creative, I went through several professional and private stations at a young age. From being a hairdresser, to the evening school-leaving certificate, to the airline industry, from jet set life to art academy and ultimately to my own family and independence. A colorful path of valuable experiences, with a lot of love for people and their dreams.

At the beginning of 2010, I completed this 18-year success story and embarked on a new path.

Out of the entrepreneurial trap as a lone fighter, out of the financial pressure, out of the hamster wheel - into a new life. The great adventure began. And I learned a completely new profession, which became my great calling.

I too, like so many people, had my views on network marketing. But as an entrepreneur I have learned: question what you reject prematurely and get a comprehensive picture for yourself. I did this. I've been in network marketing for 18 years and love my job through and through. Unfortunately, when I started there wasn't the range of information that can be found on the internet today. Unfortunately, you not only come across positive information, but unfortunately there is also a lot of false information circulating on the net.


I am a big advocate of the normalization of network marketing - I have made it my mission to clear up the rumours, lies and misconceptions that are circulating about network marketing on the net and I want to show you that network marketing is a totally legal and exciting Business model is with which you have very good earning potential.

My goal is to dispel your fears and belief in myths surrounding an industry that is around 100 years old and is worth a combined $180 billion. Of course there is good, bad and ugly in the industry, but you will find that in any industry, so getting the right information from the right people is even more important. Let's break down the myths and see how much truth there really is. As you read through the list, you might laugh at the ridiculousness or myth I'm explaining, or that most of them are completely contradictory. And you know what they say, there are two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere in the middle. :)

"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about."Wayne Dyer


I think everyone has heard this comparison before. But what is the precise definition of a cult?


According to Wikipedia, a sect is defined as follows: A sect is a term for a religious, philosophical or political movement and its followers. The term refers to social groups that differ from prevailing beliefs through their doctrine or rite and are often in conflict with their representatives and followers. Another definition would be this: Broadly speaking, a cult is a grouping of a particular political, philosophical, or religious belief whose adherents regard your sentiments as the real deal. Often times, cults have split off from a larger mainstream group at some point in order to live by separate and often very strict rules that are viewed as controversial by most other people. (1)

Reading through these definitions, I can say with a clear conscience that network marketing does not belong to any cult or network marketing has absolutely nothing in common with a cult. If you've ever witnessed a network marketing event, it's true that the passion and energy of many people can seem almost fanatical to an outsider. The truth is, network marketing companies don't demand fanaticism or prescribe rules about how you work and live.


Most legitimate companies likeRingana, Mary Kay, Doterra, Fitline work hard to keep our representatives grounded in facts and figures and educate you to the best of your ability to advance your career.


Network marketing is a business model like any other that works. Fortune magazine called network marketing (with network marketing being the largest segment) "the best kept secret in business." Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, calls this the first truly revolutionary change in marketing in the last 50 years.

My advice!


If you want to get started in network marketing, then inform yourself thoroughly in advance about the business model and the respective company. Direct all of your questions to an expert in the industry. Definitely don't believe anyone who has nothing to do with the industry. Research the company you are interested in thoroughly and look at the facts and figures, also compare it to other companies of your choice. After a long search, maybe another company will appeal to you more.


The profession of networker has to be learned. Many feel that once they find a company, they don't have to do anything else. You feel the same way in network marketing as in any other profession. You have to gain experience and find out what works best for you. Even after 18 years in the industry, I continue to educate myself regularly.


This statement is more likely to apply to a “normal” employment relationship. In any normal job, the CEO of a company makes the most money. A senior doctor in a clinic earns more than his assistant doctor and this earns more than the nurse, who in turn earns more than the cleaning lady. In any corporate structure, it goes without saying that the person at the top earns the most money. Of course, there are also the top earners in network marketing. The difference in network marketing is, whether it's top or not, income is based purely on your effort, not your position. In normal employment, the chances of a cleaning lady being promoted to CEO are very slim.


You can be in Network Marketing for 10 years and a colleague will earn more than you after a year. It's entirely up to you how much you want to put in and what your goals are. Anything is possible!


"Direct selling provides an unparalleled opportunity for millions of people to take responsibility for their own economic wellness and create long-term financial stability." Paul Zane Pilzer (The Next Millionaires)



Saturation is not possible as we will not run out of people any time soon. New children are born every day, adding new potential network marketers to the pool. In January 2018 there were 7.6 billion people on Earth, with another 1 billion people estimated by 2030.


Let's look at the Apple phenomenon: Do you know someone who doesn't have a digital device? Almost everyone owns a computer, laptop, smartphone, or iPad, but that doesn't stop Apple from making more -- because there are always new and existing customers to sell to. This also applies to other sectors. "The direct selling companies also quickly adapted to a world of changing needs by arming their independent distributors with the tools to help their customers and fellow sellers: innovative technology, enhanced health and safety policies, and best-in-class business support," said Joseph N. Mariano, President of the Direct Selling Association of America.


If the company is innovative and constantly working on something new or improving its products that changes people's lives or people are enthusiastic about this product, you too will find new customers and returning customers. (2)



"Don't laugh - $100 billion a year is serious business."
Zig Ziglar (Network Marketing for Dummies)


According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Association, total sales in network marketing / direct selling amounted to 180.49 billion dollars worldwide in 2019. Germany is one of the top 5 countries in network marketing with sales of 17.45 billion dollars . (3) In the US, grew 13.9% and achieved record sales of $40.1 billion for 2020. (4) These figures show that this business model can and does work. Success or failure has less to do with the network marketing business model itself, but rather is determined by the effort that is put into the business. Not everyone is successful in network marketing, but this applies to every industry and activity. In other industries, people fail every day, but nobody talks about these industries. If someone fails in network marketing, the network marketing business model is to blame. But nobody asks why this person ultimately failed. Network marketing is to blame.


Please don't let false beliefs stop you from thinking about network marketing. Anyone can be successful in network marketing. I am living proof. I also had my prejudices, but I tried it out and formed my own opinion.



If I've piqued your interest, I've summarized all the tips for you to get started here!

01 Research the companythat interests you. What products do you live for? 

02 Find out about the network marketing business model.Find out! 

03 Talk to Experts! 

04 Consciously take the time to find out everything about the job profile of a networker!

Learn at your own pace and learn everything about the job of a networker. 


(1) quite simply-erklaert_102187


(3) World Federation of Direct Selling Associations


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